Post Quality

Aim for good grammar, spelling and punctuation. This isn’t English class, but why write if we have to spend all day deciphering it. Running a post through a good word processing spell check does wonders!!! And it’s quick and painless.

Don’t post two line posts. This SIM is not designed as a play by play, my action your action, back and forth format. Try to post at least a few paragraphs per entry. Posts need not be epic or huge, but throwing us a bone isn’t at all contributing to the overall goal.

Write in third person, please. Basically that means write in story telling, narrative, novel format. This isn’t the only RIGHT way to do things, but if we all make an informal contract to follow this person and tense, it will add cohesion and clarity to our overall story.



Nils paused briefly before stepping onto the transporter pad. Although he felt a bit nervous, he knew the transporter tech had things well in hand. After all, this trip wouldn’t be his first through a cohesive matter stream.

“I’m ready when you are,” he said with a shrug. “Energize.”

Here, I’ve referred to myself consistently in third person, keeping my actions in the past tense. Note that the dialogue (where I’m speaking) is in first person, as it’s more natural to speak that way. This passage is pleasing to read and easily understandable.


Nils paused briefly before stepping onto the transporter pad. Although Nils felt a bit nervous, Nils knew the transporter tech had things well in hand. After all, this trip wouldn’t be Nils first through a cohesive matter stream.

“I’m ready when you are,” Nils said with a shrug. “Energize.”

Here, I’ve referred to myself constantly in second person, always using my name. It’s irritating to read.


I pause briefly before stepping onto the transporter pad. Although I feel nervous, I know the transporter tech has things well in hand. After all, this trip won’t be my first through a cohesive matter stream.

“I’m ready when you are,” I say with a shrug. “Energize.”

Here, I‘ve not only referred to myself constantly in first person, but also placed my actions in the present tense. This isn‘t inherently wrong, but again, it can be hard to follow at times.

Hawking Handbook

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